#TheInspectors What’s in a Name? S4Ep6 via @stacyamiller85 @bretjgreen @CBSInspectors @CBSDreamTeam

As part of CBS Dream Team, The Inspectors is back for an all new season of entertaining, educational and informative television.

Woodley Park Hospital 1999, Washington, DC. Mrs. Myers cradles her newborn baby in her arms. “Does our gorgeous girl have a name yet?” a nurse asks the young mother. “Madeline after my grandmother,” Mrs. Myers answers. The nurse tells the mother she has to take Baby Madeline Myers for a few tests. “Then, she’s all yours.” The young mother has a bad feeling as the nurse leaves with her baby saying “Don’t worry honey, I’ll take care of you.” We next see the nurse toss her scrubs with attached ID in a trash trash receptacle.

McCarthy High School, Present Day. Graduate Alice Jordans walks to the podium to get her high school diploma. “That’s my daughter Alice.  She was named after her grandmother,” her proud mother Josephine (Cheryl Allison) tells another parent.

Dean Foley comes to see Amanda (Jessica Lundy) at The United States Postal Service. He tells her he has a talented student that he’d like to admit to Jamestown University but there seems to be is a problem with the birth certificate she submitted with her application because it’s not a certified copy. Amanda thinks that maybe it was an oversight. He asks Amanda to look into it as a favor for him. After Dean Foley leaves and Amanda tells Mitch (Terry Serpico) about taking the case as a favor to the dean because he’s a friend of hers, Mitch reminds that Dean Foley isn’t his friend. But he agrees to look into the matter for Foley and asks Preston (Bret Green) to help. Preston tells his mother about helping Mitch with the case and how he didn’t find a birth certificate for an Alice Jordans in the DC area. Amanda suggests Preston contact The Center for Exploited and Missing Children.

Home of Alice Jordans, Washington DC.  Alice tells her mother Josephine she received a letter from Jamestown University telling her about a delay with her application. Josephine assures there’s nothing to worry about.

Preston finds information about a stolen baby in Hollywood Florida. He brings his findings to his mother and Mitch, telling them that the Center for Exploited and Missing Children sent him some information about an abduction case out of Florida eighteen years ago. Amanda (Jessica Lundy) tells Preston how glad she is that he’s working the case with them. Preston explains that a three day old baby was stolen from a hospital in Hollywood Florida and never seen again. This baby disappeared on the same date listed on Alice’s birth certificate. Preston plays a video of a recorded plea from Madeline Myers’ parents asking the kidnapper to bring Madeline home.  Preston shows Mitch and Amanda Madeline Myers’ missing flyer and a photo of Alice, who has the same small beauty mark as the missing Baby Madeline.

Home of Alice Jordans, Washington Dc. Alice tells her mother she received an email from Dean Foley asking her to come to Jamestown University to discuss a problem with her birth certificate. Josephine urges Alice to reply back and decline; saying they should have everything they need. But Alice reminds how much she wants to go Jamestown University, so she’ll talk with Dean Foley.

Noah (Harrison Knight) and Veronica (Erica Marie Sanchez) talk about an job application he completed.

At Jamestown University, Alice enters Dean Foley’s office how she’s waited her entire life to come to the school. Amanda introduces herself as a postal inspector and then asks Dean Foley to excuse them so she (Amanda) can talk with Alice alone. Amanda explains to Alice that the Department of Education contacted her (Amanda) because there was an issue with her identification; the United States Postal Service were advised of a report that Alice’s birth certificate might have been forged. “My birth certificate, that’s what this is all about? I can just get a new one and everything will be fine right?’ Alice asks Amanda. The postal inspector tells Alice they’ve already looked into that and there is no birth certificate for an Alice Jordans her age in the DC area. Amanda then questions Alice about her mother. Alice explains that her mother Josephine was devoted to her after Alice’s father left before she was born. When Amanda shows the girl the photo of Baby Madeline, Alice asks where the postal inspector got her baby picture. Amanda tells Alice that she may not be who she thinks she is and explains the kidnapping case involving Baby Madeline Myers from Hollywood Florida.

Meanwhile, Josephine rushes to clears out house, throwing photos of Alice away but keeping some special one. Bags on her shoulder, she takes one last look around the room then leaves. Alice returns home and finds her mother gone. She returns to The United States Postal Service where Amanda tells her they have Baby Myers’ DNA on file and will compare it with hers. Amanda gets a call that Josephine turned herself in. As she is dragged away, Josephine begs Alice not to hate her. Later, the DNA confirms Alice Jordans is Madeline Myers. Amanda gives Alice information about birth parents and tells Alice that as she is eighteen it is her decision whether she wants to make contact with the Myers. In prison, Josephine receives a card from Alice that says she may never forgive her but can’t forget her.
CBS The Inspectors episode “What’s In a Name?” was a powerful episode focusing on how fake legal documents are used to commit a crime. Alice/Madeline’s story is one that could happen so it is important to be aware how your personal information shared over the internet.
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Photos Courtesy of CBS’ The Inspectors’ Official Twitter.







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