My Erotic Body Movie Review from @kleffnotes

Michele Beck has created a documentary that allows viewers to delve into the world of pole dancing. While this topic might seem sensational Beck’s work looks at how taking pole dancing classes has impacted the lives of a diverse group of women. Each of the people she showcases have lives outside of the classroom that might surprise those who come into watching My Erotic Body with preconceived notions about those who derive satisfaction from these classes.

In My Erotic Body Beck divides the film into a variety of sections that examine different elements of pole dancing as well as the lives of the women she is interviewing. She takes time to explain pole dancing and some of the moves and performance techniques the different women employ, but really the focus is on how this type of movement has changed the lives of the women who take part in it. I was surprised to learn that a majority of the women only dance within the classes and while they might practice in their homes, many do not allow anyone outside of the classroom to see them dance.

The pleasure they derive from attending these classes is completely personal and has helped many of them through hard times or rough moments in their lives. The women Beck interviews span a variety of age ranges and each woman has her own special connection to pole dancing. Beck shares her own journey through art and movement and is very clear to point out that she never thought she would find herself connecting with the medium of pole dancing. My Erotic Body also examines why pole dancing provides some women with a feeling of empowerment. I would strongly recommend this documentary to anyone who has ever had an interest in learning more or even participating in a pole dancing workout. You can find out more about the film and where to watch it on the official My Erotic Body website.

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