A Victorian Flower Album Book Review from @kleffnotes

A Victorian Flower Album: Collected and Painted in the Summer Evenings of 1873, as a Pleasing Recreation by Henry Terry is possibly one of the longest titled books I have ever reviewed. This work though was created initially by Henry Terry, who made this as a brief collection of his personal sketches of flowers for his children. Over time this compilation of artistic sketches has been published a number of times, but this October a new version has been created with Japanese translations.

For years I have loved anything connected to the Victorian period and even spent a period of time researching crime in Victorian England and how it has been presented in the present. When I saw this collection I was so taken by the detail within the painted images. Terry took the time to preserve what he saw during the course of some evenings spent in recreation in the nature around him. Each of these pieces reminded me of pressed flowers, but the tremendous benefit to this work is that these flowers can never fade or crumble.

If you are a lover of the Victorian period or someone who loves flowers and nature, A Victorian Flower Album is the perfect book for you. Beyond the beautiful images there are personal touches that truly help you to see this book as something that was in someone’s personal library. It is so charming and can add a bit of color to the cold and dreary days of Fall and Winter that are on the way. The benefit of this specific version is that there are also detailed Japanese translations of all of the written text in the book. You can find this particular version of A Victorian Flower Album: Collected and Painted in the Summer Evenings of 1873, as a Pleasing Recreation by Henry Terry on sale now.

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