Dreaming the Marsh Book Review from @kleffnotes

Dreaming the Marsh is a story full of magic and mysticism that is established in the fictional university town of Opakulla, Florida. This city has been the location of a powerful marsh that has powers in a way that have made this area crucial to different populations. There have been those who have honored this energy, but an upscale condominium has been approved after years of environmentalists fighting this project, but what happens next shows how much nature fights back against the forces of mankind.

Immediately after the dedication ceremony a strange sinkhole opens and swallows the entire site planned for the project as well as a large lack and portions of the interstate. The citizens of this town are confused by what has happened and are trying to understand what is happening to their town. There are others trying to understand this odd event including a lovesick geologist, the developers, and the mayor. There is only one person who understands, a local cafe owner, who can speak with the Ancients and whose mural of the marsh continues to change as the the sinkhole grows. While she may know what is happening, she is refusing to share what Mother Nature is telling her. The story examines what will happen to this town as the strange events continue to happen. Will they be able to make it through this event? Will the town even survive?

Elizabeth McCulloch creates complex characters who are not only part of the Florida town that the story is set in, but also have their own stories happening outside of the marsh and the sinkhole. In such a short book it is surprising how powerfully done these stories are. Each character is so interesting and they drive the story strongly outside of the main plot. The magic that emerges and the interludes that focus on the marsh and the flora and fauna there are so moving. This is a beautifully written story that shares how important it is to protect the beautiful areas of the world. The magic of Mother Nature shines through in such a well written way and if you are looking for a positive read that is full of exceptional characters this is a book you need to check out. You can get your copy of Dreaming the Marsh today.

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