No Truth Left to Tell Book Review from @kleffnotes

Set in February 1994 in Lynwood, Louisiana No Truth Left to Tell drops readers into a time of terror in a southern town. The Klan has returned with a vengeance and they are pushing to start a race war with crosses that light up the night sky. Adrien Rush, a federal civil rights prosecutor, will learn that these dark roots run deep in this town. Nettie Wynn, a victim of the cross burnings has been a lifelong resident of the town and when her granddaughter comes to town the successful journalist will find herself pulled into this new environment.

Rush has been sent from DC to work with a seasoned local FBI agent, Lee Mercer. As they delve into the Klan and what they are doing in this small town things will become more complicated. The two cannot agree on how to go after the racists as the violence escalates. Rush also finds himself falling for DuBose, which adds to the drama surrounding the case. With everything going on evidence becomes compromised and the convictions they’ve worked so hard for could be overturned. Lines become blurred and the consequences could be deadly in this legal thriller.

Michael McAuliffe has brought his own experience and expertise in the legal field to this thriller. He served for over 30 years and has been a federal prosecutor, law professor, and an elected state attorney in Florida. As a debut novel this book highlights his skills while also creating a thriller and frightening story focused on evils that can lurk in the darkness surrounding a neighborhood. Lynwood acts as a perfect example of ideologies not evolving over time and how this can be dangerous to all those who live there. If you are a fan of thrillers you’ll love this book. You can get your copy of No Truth Left to Tell today.

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